IoT digitalization: from monitoring to accounting

PreAgri farm management system and practical use case of Eridon Agro

Mobile version of PreAgri

Work orders, unloading and transportation crop

Own or Stranger

Monitoring the unloading and transportation of crops

Field efficiency on the map

Selection of fields by performed technological operations

Creating and displaying land parcels

A quick solution for displaying lease agreements

Mobile application for Android and iOS

Operational data on field cultivation has become even more available

PreAgri mobile app

Scouting and planning field works

Agroholding received the Agro solution based on PreAgri

Automation of determination and calculation of field works

Monitoring the growing of plants

Reports with the dynamics of plant growing, precipitation, soil moisture and other indicators

Assignment, crop rotation and planning

Field work operational planning

Export cartograms in KMZ format

The results preservation of soil agrochemical analysis processing

Integration with the RP5 weather resource

Machines and equipment reports on downtime, moving and field work

Field scouting, active temperatures sum

Changes dynamics in soil moisture, precipitation and irrigation

Fertilizer calculation for the planned yield

NDVI images list with curtain function

NDVI update

Data display from the nearest weather station on the map and field map

Printing stickers for soil samples

Using formulas to populate and update attributes

Field measurement in the area

The ability to bypass and save the field contour

Fuel Movement Report

Integration with gas stations